Industry Training & Safety Compliance
A progressive safety culture can be integrated into an organization's overall identity by investing in and supporting a safety compliance training program. A successful safety compliance training program is comprehensive and relevant to the jobs being performed onsite. When consistently delivered, training creates a cultural change – safe action at work.
Safety programs should be consistently reinforced through a combination of delivery types, such as on-the-job training, tool talk training, impromptu training and formal re-training.
OSHA Most Frequently Cited Standards and Highest Penalties
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration released its list of most frequently cited standards and highest penalties assessed for OSHA standard violations. General industry citations issued made up 70% of the list violations and penalties issued were listed at 50%.

Creating a Safety Culture Is a Commitment That Pays Off

Safety culture change management within any organization takes time. It's an ongoing process that requires occasional evaluation and redirection. The most successful training programs are ones that respond to changes in the organization's needs or improvement areas. For example, if there was a recent trip and fall in the warehouse area, it may be time for a quick refresher on slips trips and falls. Near-misses are also cause for reevaluation of safety protocols and training. With our online training program, the first step to a refresher is to have employees take 20 minutes to review an online course. Then follow up with a quick safety talk.
Reduced workers' compensation rates, increased employee motivation, a sense of job ownership and decreased staff turnover are just a few of the benefits. Read the articles below for more information on safety training from agencies that govern them.
Creating a Culture of Change (from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration – OSHA)
“It has been observed at the OSHA VPP sites and confirmed by independent research that developing strong safety cultures have the single greatest impact on accident reduction of any process. It is for this single reason that developing these cultures should be top priority for all managers and supervisors.”

Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (P&SSA) Suction Drain Entrapment Law — Pools Closed
The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (P&SSA) went into effect 12/19/2008. It required that all pools and spas have ASME/ANSI A112.19.8-2007 compliant drain covers installed. Implementation of and compliance with the Act has been cause for debate and ongoing guideline reviews continue nearly 18 months after its enactment.
Pools and spas in hotels, municipalities, parks and clubs have been closed throughout the United States due to noncompliance with the anti-suction drain entrapment law. The anti-suction drain P&SS Act is a nationwide law and is not part of the OSHA standards. The law is enforced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and has been rigorously enforced in 2012, largely by incentives put forth by Inez Tenenbaum, Chairman of the CPSC.